Oct 3, 2017

DSD 1 - Das Deutsche Sprachdiplom / German Language Diploma

German Language Diploma I Preparation Course

What is the  DSD I ?

The Deutsches Sprachdiplom (German Language Diploma), or short DSD, can be obtained as a certificate proving German language proficiency in two levels. We are offering the DSD I  preparation course and exam.  

  • The DSD I  exams are designed to test the language  proficiency level ranging from A2 – B1 of the Common  European Framework of Reference for Language  and test  the listening comprehension, reading comprehension,  writing skills, and oral communication of the candidate.   
  • The DSD-Level I (DSD-A2/B1) is considered to prove that the student has the level of ability in German that is required for entry to a college to study. The exams are prepared by the Zentralstelle für Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA) in Cologne and can be taken with the German Language School Saskatoon.  

The preparation course 

  • Students will be prepared by focusing on the structure of the exam such as oral communication, writing skills, listening comprehension and reading comprehension. 
  • The course also emphasizes the expansion of vocabulary and grammar skills (sentence structure, adjective endings and more).

Please follow this link for more detailed information by the ZfA:


Time, Dates and Cost 

  • DSD I - preparation course Students should possibly have a  language level of A2 or have been to Germany on an exchange.  
  • Application deadline: December 8th 
  • 8-9 evenings/starting beginning of January 2017 
  • Costs: $125
  • Exam Dates: 
        • Written Exam: March 13th 
        • Oral Exam: to be determind

Please contact us, if you like to apply with us:


Open Spots in 2017-18 Classes

It is not too late to register!!!

Still spots available in our Beginner Adult class and Intermediate 1 class. If you have previously taken one of these classes with us and not sure how to continue on, please don't hesitate to contact us. Are you looking to continue on with Intermediate 2 ? We do have a solution for that, please let us know.


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