Nov 18, 2019


Dear School Community,

with our AGM coming up this Wednesday, November 20th starting at 8pm I like to send out an invite to our school community again to please come out and join our meeting. All our students are automatically members and therefore have the right to attend our AGM and vote (for students under the age of 18 years a parent/guardian takes this role).

Our current Executive is fairly small and we are looking forward to having a few of you step up to take on the role as Member at Large, which will allow you to join our Executive meetings. Our Executive does meet 2-3 times a year aside the AGM.

As well we would like to fill our secretary position, which has been vacant for a while now. The secretary will take the minutes at all our meetings and after reviewing, will send them my way. Please step forward, if you like to fill this role!

AGM Location:

Aden Bowman Collegiate

We will meet in the Cafeteria for 8pm and the meeting should be over latest by 9:30pm.

If you come in from Clarence Ave, please go straight down the hallway to the end and go right and a few steps further down you will see the cafeteria on your right side.

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