Aug 17, 2020


Dear School Community and Friends,

With the recent announcements by our province, followed by the release of a "Parent & Caregiver Handbook" by Saskatoon Public Schools laying out the details for the school start on September 8th, we are all able to have a better understanding how class instruction in school facilities will look like in fall. As follows the link to the "Parent & Caregiver Handbook" for your convenience.

Our team recently met to discuss how the school start for our language school will look like, considering not only that we as well have to follow the guidelines by the provinces health officials and by our landlord (if we are actually able to rent classrooms), but as well to consider, how every teacher feels about returning in a classroom setting and/or offering an online program for their class.

Here are the most important facts for you:

!!! Classes will start the week of MONDAY, Sept 14th and MONDAY, Sept 21st !!!

Please note that the exact start date and time for each class will be determined within the upcoming weeks! All classes will continue as evening classes!

!!! All teachers are currently planning to start their classes in an online format !!! 

This will be a combination of a ZOOM meeting (video call) and instructions/homework etc. on Google Classroom. The details for this set up for each classroom will follow closer to the start date of each class through your teacher or myself. Some teachers prefer to teach an online program this school year and some are open to returning into a classroom, if possible and safe. I will indicate each option below with the classes.

  • Adult Beginner S1 (1st year) / Regina Prost / online or in class / Monday or Tuesday
  • Adult Beginner S2 (2nd year) / Polina Lerman / online / Monday or Tuesday
  • Adult Beginner S3 (3rd year) / Theresa Kliem / online / Friday
  • Adult Intermediate S3 (3rd year) / Franziska Davies / online / Wednesday
  • Adult Advanced Conversational / Josephin Dick / online or in class / Wednesday
  • High School Credit Class (Gr.9-12) / Josephin Dick / online or in class / Thursday
  • DSD 1 (German Language Diploma Class/High School) / Josephin Dick / starting Jan 2021 / Monday or Tuesday
  • Level 3 (Gr.6-8) / Polina Lerman / online / Monday or Tuesday
  • Level 2 (Gr.3-5) / Brandon Smith / online or in class / Thursday
  • Level 1 (K-Gr.2) / Anna Schmidt / online / Thursday
!!! Please note that class offerings are dependent on sufficient enrollment !!!

If some of our classes will return to in class instruction within the upcoming school year, we as well ask our teachers and students to wear face masks, if social distancing isn't possible (e.g. group work), if this is still the recommendation by the provinces health officials. Our teachers as well have the choice to use face shields.

If we return to in class instruction with our classrooms, we will have a waiver in place for our students/families to sign, as we are unable to guarantee 100% that no contraction of the COVID-19 virus will take place.

Class set ups will be finalized over the next weeks prior to our school start. Our school community will be ask to inform us about their preference (online/in class) for instructions.

If you are a new student/family or you are interested in our German language class offerings, we will be asking for your preference (online/in class) as well.

Continue to enjoy this wonderful summer weather and stay healthy and safe!

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